An Assortment of Cutting Boards

Why You Should Have Water Delivered To Your Office

If you are looking for a nice thing to do for your employees, you could be considering adding an espresso machine to the break room or buying them lunch once a week. These are definitely nice ideas, but one other idea to consider is simply arranging for water delivery. You can have a big dispenser filled with water delivered once a week, and employees can help themselves to cups or glasses of the water. It sounds overly simple, but if you dig deeper, having water delivered has a ton of benefits for you and for your employees.

1. It encourages hydration and health.

You want your employees to be healthy, of course. Healthier employees are happier employees, and healthier employees also take fewer sick days! Hydration is essential for health, and so many office workers end up dehydrated throughout the day simply because they forget to bring a drink with them, or because they drink coffee all day — and coffee is actually dehydrating. If you supply water in the office, your employees will be encouraged to drink more of it, rather than reaching for coffee or going without liquids all day, and this will improve their overall health and productivity.

2. It helps battle fatigue.

Are you familiar with that early-afternoon slump that always seems to creep in and hurt your productivity, especially if you've eaten a big lunch? Your employees surely experience the same slump. They don't like it any more than you do — it keeps them from getting work done, and it makes them feel sleepy. Water can help combat this mid-afternoon fatigue, and fatigue in general. Sipping cold water keeps your employees mentally alert, and staying hydrated in general gives them more energy to power through that tough afternoon period.

3. It gives them somewhere to hang out and chat.

On television, you always see employees hanging out by the water cooler. This is something that happens in real life, too, and it is not a bad thing! You want your employees to feel comfortable and confident visiting with one another and socializing. This helps build camaraderie and a team spirit. Providing a water cooler gives them a place to do it where all are welcome. A coffee machine only invites the coffee drinkers, but everyone drinks water.

Consider having water delivered to your office. It's a small, simple step, but it's a step that will make a big difference. Contact Dean's Waterservice Inc to learn more. 
